Thursday, September 24, 2009


last night i had a dream about starbucks.  it's weird because i don't work at starbucks.  in my dream i was working with kirsta and i didn't know how to make coffee so i was just taking the orders and writing on the cups, but i didn't know the correct abbreviations so i just wrote everything the customer said on the cup and it was really funny.  i woke and thought to myself, "i will never be able to work at starbucks."

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

i ordered text books on monday and today they came.  homework can start now.  i'm very excited.  we'll see how long the excitement lasts.  i'm going to start reading as soon as i'm done blogging and wasting time on facebook. oh, and when america's next top model is over.  so glad it's back.  i've been forgetting to smile with my eyes, not anymore, thanks for the reminder tyra.  i'll be practicing all season.  

today i watched seven pounds.  whoa.  that was a hard, eye opening, heartbreaking movie.  i liked it, but i sure did cry.  to follow up that movie i watched she's the man.  i also cried during that one too, but only because i was laughing so much.  i didn't remember it being that funny.  i'll be watching it again soon.

i had my first americano yesterday.  it was good.  i drank it at about 730 in the pm and i was still in bed by 1030.  what if caffeine doesn't effect me?  what if i've built up a tolerance to it?  i might have to consult webmd about this.  see what happens when there is a caffeine tolerance and how to cure it.  i want it cured.  

in other news, i'm ready for fall and puffy vests. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


today i learned children love to race.  especially uphill.  it doesn't matter how out of shape you are or how much you detest running, they still want to race and they want you to let them win.  if i'm forced to run uphill, i'm not letting you win.  does that make me mean? no, it makes me competitive, even against a five year old with a back-pack.  

lydia-you're shoes untied.
funny man-i know
lydia-you're going to trip
funny man-no, i'm going to trip you!