Monday, March 5, 2007

today i was thinking...

yesterday i spent the day with my mom and some other family in the city. we went to see wicked for my wonderful mom's birthday. the older i get, the more i appreciate my mom. she is truly a one of a kind, spectacular, too good to be true mother. she has become my friend, the person i confide in, and when i'm sad she still lets me lay in her lap while she plays with my hair. some girls fear turning into their mother, but i embrace it. i know i'm becoming more like my mom everyday and that means that i am becoming a caring, loving, funny lady. thanks for making me mom!

two weeks from today dancing with the stars starts again and i couldn't be more excited! i don't know what it is about reality tv, but i can't get enough of it. my family likes to get together a lot. we get together for anything, and dancing with the stars is just another excuse for us to get together and throw a little party. i love my family. i am truly blessed.

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