Sunday, October 5, 2008

more toothpaste

i put a sweatshirt on today, my favorite brown one.  i must have worn it the other day at night or in the morning because there was toothpaste dripped all down the front of it.  how does that happen?  at 22 shouldn't i know how to brush my teeth so the toothpaste doesn't drip all over my shirt?  i usually get toothpaste on my clothes at least twice a week.  i need to figure something out.

i love milk.  i always have.  i used to drink so much my parents put restrictions on how many glasses i could have because i was drinking all the milk.  and yes, i have very strong bones.  i haven't been drinking a lot of milk for a while, but today i got really thirsty for it.  i drank a half gallon throughout the day.  i'm not feeling so great now.  i was for most of the day, but i think my body is starting to realize there's a half gallon of milk in there.  it should be a fun night.


Wes said...

i usually brush my teeth with my shirt off. that might be weird for you though.

Anonymous said...

A half gallon of milk? Really? You may get a stomach ache but at least you won't have nightmares about osteoperosis.