Thursday, April 9, 2009


this evening i went through some of my vest pockets.  these are the things i found:
ticket stubs
pennies, lots and lots of pennies
all these things were not found in the same vest, but most of them were.  i was a little annoyed that i found so many pennies, i like the silver change better but i may take my pennies and cash them if for silver money, or maybe even green money.  i do like the green money.  

i'm a messy person.  i have messy emotions.  i cry a lot for no reason.  some may call me overly sensitive.  and i am kind of sloppy.  i leave all my clothes on the floor.  i also have a lot of mail every where and magazines.  

i don't like when i'm home alone and the house starts to make weird house noises.  it weirds me out.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

i really enjoy gossip magazines.  i don't know why.  i will never meet a celebrity, i don't even really care to.  that's not true.  it is my life long dream to meet a celebrity, have my picture taken with them, and then become famous myself and star in a soap opera.  anyways, i read the magazines.  my favorite is US weekly.  i really like the "they're just like us" section where they take pictures of stars filling up on gas, drinking coffee, having a fat day, you know, the usual thing us non celebrities do too.  i don't really know why i decided to right about that.  maybe because i'm looking at the magazines right now.  what a guilty pleasure.

i really do like living in chicago, except when it's april, supposed to be spring, and snowing outside.  i've lived here all my life and it still surprises me.  it's so nasty outside right now.  

i have peanut butter m&m's in my pantry. i just found them today.  i forgot i bought them.  it was like finding a buried treasure!  and i do mean buried, our pantry is very full.  

once in a while i enjoy watching deadliest catch.  the new season starts on april 14 and it looks very intense and very exciting.  i think i will watch it as one of my regular shows.  i even marked my calendar.  i mean business.