Thursday, April 9, 2009


this evening i went through some of my vest pockets.  these are the things i found:
ticket stubs
pennies, lots and lots of pennies
all these things were not found in the same vest, but most of them were.  i was a little annoyed that i found so many pennies, i like the silver change better but i may take my pennies and cash them if for silver money, or maybe even green money.  i do like the green money.  

i'm a messy person.  i have messy emotions.  i cry a lot for no reason.  some may call me overly sensitive.  and i am kind of sloppy.  i leave all my clothes on the floor.  i also have a lot of mail every where and magazines.  

i don't like when i'm home alone and the house starts to make weird house noises.  it weirds me out.

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