Thursday, January 28, 2010


i'm very impatient so waiting is hard for me. here are some things i'm waiting for:
-my nephew to be born. he was due yesterday. he's already turning out to be more patient than me. darn it.
-class to be over. it actually just started 21 minutes ago, but i'm already ready to go home. i have over 3 hours left.
-the weekend. i don't have a lot going on, but i'm still excited for it to come. for some sleeping in, rest, time with friends, the usual weekend stuff.
-my hair to be long. it's been growing out for some time now and it's not super long yet. i'm thinking i may start taking prenatal vitamins. not because i'm preggo, but they seemed to work for my sister in law.

not only am i impatient, i'm also incredibly distracted. for instance, i'm in class on the computer and i've already checked my phone about 5 times. sorry professor.

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