Sunday, October 3, 2010

here are some things i'd like to do before i'm 30:
live in the city
paint a room a crazy fun color
have a floor to ceiling bookcase full of books
put real pictures in a real photo album, not just on facebook
drink coffee i make at home in a coffee pot
travel somewhere. anywhere cool.
figure out what kind of music i really like
carry a smaller purse
go noodling. i watched a special on animal planet about this yesterday and now i'm obsessed.

today i decided i'm going to start deleting all my facebook friends that get engaged. starting today. i'll stop doing this the day i get engaged. if this makes me sound jealous and hateful i apologize. i'm not hateful, probably jealous, mostly just annoyed.

in other news, i just looked at the animal shelter website to look for volunteer opportunities and this is what i actually did:
found 3 dogs i want to adopt
judged people for naming their animals dumb names
found a cat i'd like to adopt
considered becoming a foster home for pets

this is what i didn't do:
look for volunteer opportunities

1 comment:

kmr said...

I was promised a new blog post. This is from 2010. :)